Strategic Planning

Strategic Planning

Your organization’s strategy should be a well-defined map that will get you to your goals. But it can’t be designed in a vacuum. Managers and members of leadership must agree on the path forward so that the right efforts are prioritized, the necessary resources are allocated, and the goals are communicated from the top down to ensure buy-in across the organization. Unity of purpose is everything.

Advanced360 Solutions works with companies to refine, define, and sharpen their strategy to align with the company’s mission, values, vision, and goals,

If you can visualize where you want the company to be but aren’t sure how to get everyone in the organization there together, that’s our sweet spot.

Advanced Solutions for Advanced Problems

Our strategic consultants bring decades of experience assisting all types of small to mid-size businesses by developing custom strategies that work for your company and your resources. We know that company-wide changes like these can seem overwhelming. You may have clearly defined goals but lack buy-in, or may be unclear about all the steps that must be taken internally to achieve those goals. Your strategy should be not only clearly defined for everyone but as easy to follow as the simplest map.

Drawing from our base of knowledge and experience, we know how to ask the right questions to help shape the path to your vision, mapping out a strategy to enable you to reach those goals, with tent poles along the way to gauge progress and ensure you’re staying on the right path.

What We Do

  • Identify and define your unique value: we’ll make sure you’re positioned in the marketplace to reach your company’s goals;

  • Foster buy-in and collaboration: shared goals towards a shared purpose, providing a sense of unity and forward direction

  • Clearly defined tasks: each stakeholder should know how their work ladders up to the company’s strategic vision; and

  • Metrics and measurements: Goals must be measurable so that progress can be assessed.

"You can't manage what you can't measure"

- Peter Drucker Austrian American management consultant

How We Do It

At Advanced360 Solutions, we utilize the cloud-based ecosystem modeling tool Transformation Accelerator to ensure success on every project: On time, on budget, and on point.

Transformation Accelerator

  • Enables active collaboration and continuous feedback

  • Keeps stakeholders informed and engaged

  • Provides clarity and focus, aligning goals to your vision

Transformation Accelerator offers proven methodologies that incorporate best practices and standards for each organization. This helps us provide clarity for your digital transformation project, with stakeholder maps for roles/responsibilities/accountabilities in your organization, as well as the ability to create visual characteristics of every element in your business ecosystem.

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